By Eck Petal It's All About Dogs Cheshire

I Love Dogs!

How did I decide to become a “dogsbody”?

I got asked this question last week – what made you want to do this? “This” being dog walking, doggy day care, dog boarding and just anything to do with dogs

I LOVE DOGS – there you go – it’s really that simple. I am out of the closet and loud and proud to say that I am passionate about our four-legged friends and they all seem to feel the same way about me too, which is quite a good thing!

Dogs give such pleasure. They are uncomplicated, smelly, soppy, loyal and sometimes very daft, and I adore them.

So for me ,it was a very easy decision to make , to work with them , take care of them and look after them when so many dog owners are time poor, busy working , going on holiday and don’t want the worry of who is taking care of their precious family member. They may want a proper home for their furbaby or just someone who loves their dog the way they do.

So …..All About Dogs is just that …..ALL about dogs.

Although my original favourite choice of name before I launched was “Get your puppies out”!!!! Although this raises a chuckle, I think that maybe some of my lady clients might have thought my irreverent humour a little too close to the bone, but I am sure it wouldn’t be forgotten and hopefully raise a smile.

However I wanted the new business to be taken seriously and finally after a huge amount of deliberation chose All About Dogs Cheshire ( AADogs for short).

I am sure the bank manager would have had something to say if I had gone with my original company name and goodness knows what the logo would have looked like? But as it turned out it may have been more appropriate than I thought, as when I went to set up the company business bank account in Altrincham it was “Paint Altrincham Pink “week in aid of Prevent Breast Cancer –

 “Get your puppies out” for Prevent breast cancer – who could have written it?

Regardless of the now more sensible name and logo I still decided to join in the Pink fun and not only dress in a pink tutu but also paint my beautiful long-suffering pooch Ellie, pink! Off we went collecting for this very worthwhile charity and I think I probably scared most people away but we did manage to get some pound notes in our tin (think they took pity on Ellie!) and raise a few interesting comments as we dodged the rain and meandered around town. My first charity event for my new business. We helped raise £15,000 and All About Dogs will continue to support this charity in the future.

Just in case you have any concerns- Ellie was dyed with beetroot juice – red food colouring, which is completely natural, harmless and thank goodness washes out very easily. I didn’t fancy having a pink dog for weeks on end!!!!!

Many thanks to Mandy at Dog Beauty in Timperley for her help and advice on this one!

I can also promise you that I WILL NEVER DYE YOUR DOG whilst in my care ……….. well not unless you insist?!

You can learn more about Paint Altrincham Pink here